• Tools of Titans : The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers


    #1 New York Times Bestseller

    The latest groundbreaking tome from Tim Ferriss, the best-selling author of The 4-Hour Workweek.

    From the author: “For the last two years, I’ve interviewed nearly two hundred world-class performers for my podcast,The Tim Ferriss Show. The guests range from super celebs (Jamie Foxx, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.) and athletes (icons of powerlifting, gymnastics, surfing, etc.) to legendary Special Operations commanders and black-market biochemists. For most of my guests, it’s the first time they’ve agreed to a two-to-three-hour interview, and the show is on the cusp of passing 100 million downloads.

    “This book contains the distilled tools, tactics, and ‘inside baseball’ you won’t find anywhere else. It also includes new tips from past guests, and life lessons from new ‘guests’ you haven’t met.

    “What makes the show different is a relentless focus on actionable details. This is reflected in the questions. For example: What do these people do in the first sixty minutes of each morning? What do their workout routines look like, and why? What books have they gifted most to other people? What are the biggest wastes of time for novices in their field? What supplements do they take on a daily basis?

    “I don’t view myself as an interviewer. I view myself as an experimenter. If I can’t test something and replicate results in the messy reality of everyday life, I’m not interested.

    “Everything within these pages has been vetted, explored, and applied to my own life in some fashion. I’ve used dozens of the tactics and philosophies in high-stakes negotiations, high-risk environments, or large business dealings. The lessons have made me millions of dollars and saved me years of wasted effort and frustration.

    “I created this book, my ultimate notebook of high-leverage tools, for myself. It’s changed my life, and I hope the same for you.”

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  • Comme par magie


    Depuis près de dix ans, les livres d’Elizabeth Gilbert, auteur du best-seller Mange, prie, aime, inspirent ses lecteurs. Avec Comme par magie, elle puise dans son propre processus de création pour partager son point de vue unique sur la créativité. Elle nous invite à découvrir les « trésors cachés » qui sommeillent en chacun de nous et à les mettre en pratique pour être créatif au quotidien (dans la famille, la vie professionnelle, l’amitié, les loisirs, etc.). En exposant les six forces qui permettent de libérer notre propre créativité (courage, enchantement, permission, persistance, confiance et divinité), elle nous ouvre les portes d’un monde de merveille et de joie.

    Vibrant d’enthousiasme et de conseils judicieux. Flavia Mazelin Salvi, Psychologies magazine.

    Bouleversant d’intelligence, d’humour, de tendresse. Florence Besson, Elle.

    105.00 DH
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  • Tribe of Mentors : Short Life Advice from the Best in the World


    Tim Ferriss, the #1 New York Times best-selling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, shares the ultimate choose-your-own-adventure book-a compilation of tools, tactics, and habits from 130+ of the world’s top performers. From iconic entrepreneurs to elite athletes, from artists to billionaire investors, their short profiles can help you answer life’s most challenging questions, achieve extraordinary results, and transform your life.

    From the author:

    In 2017, several of my close friends died in rapid succession. It was a very hard year, as it was for many people.

    It was also a stark reminder that time is our scarcest, non-renewable resource.

    With a renewed sense of urgency, I began asking myself many questions:

    Were my goals my own, or simply what I thought I should want?
    How much of life had I missed from underplanning or overplanning?
    How could I be kinder to myself?
    How could I better say “no” to the trivial many to better say “yes” to the critical few?
    How could I best reassess my priorities and my purpose in this world?

    To find answers, I reached out to the most impressive world-class performers in the world, ranging from wunderkinds in their 20s to icons in their 70s and 80s. No stone was left unturned.

    This book contains their answers-practical and tactical advice from mentors who have found solutions. Whether you want to 10x your results, get unstuck, or reinvent yourself, someone else has traveled a similar path and taken notes.

    This book, Tribe of Mentors, includes many of the people I grew up viewing as idols or demi-gods. Less than 10% have been on my podcast (The Tim Ferriss Show, more than 200 million downloads), making this a brand-new playbook of playbooks.

    No matter your challenge or opportunity, something in these pages can help.

    Among other things, you will learn:

    More than 50 morning routines-both for the early riser and those who struggle to get out of bed.
    How TED curator Chris Anderson realized that the best way to get things done is to let go.
    The best purchases of $100 or less (you’ll never have to think about the right gift again).
    How to overcome failure and bounce back towards success.
    Why Humans of New York creator Brandon Stanton believes that the best art will always be the riskiest.
    How to meditate and be more mindful (and not just for those that find it easy).
    Why tennis champion Maria Sharapova believe that “losing makes you think in ways victories can’t.”
    How to truly achieve work-life balance (and why most people tell you it isn’t realistic).
    How billionaire Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz transformed the way he engages with difficult situations to reduce suffering.
    Ways to thrive (and survive) the overwhelming amount of information you process every day.
    How to achieve clarity on your purpose and assess your priorities.
    And much more.

    This reference book, which I wrote for myself, has already changed my life. I certainly hope the same for you.

    I wish you luck as you forge your own path.

    All the best,

    Tim Ferriss

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  • سوار أمي


    تحدثت في هذا الكتاب عن الأم وقلبها النابض، والأب وحنانه الدافق، والمعلم وحدبه على تلاميذه، والأخ الذي يقاسم أخاه الروح والنبضات والأحلام والخطرات، والصديق الذي يجمّل وجوده الحياة.. تحدثت أيضًا عن الكلمة النبيلة، والأخرى المسكونة شرًا، تحدثت عن الشهامة، وعن الطيبة التي تمتلئ بها قلوب الناس، وقلت شيئً

    ا عن أمراض النفوس، وأدواء القلوب..
    لم آت في الكتاب بالمستغرب، ولم أستجلب العجائب، أو أنقب عن الشرائد.. بل حاولت أن أنظر إلى المناظر نفسها، وأتأمل المشاهد نفسها التي يراها الجميع، ولكني استخدمت عدسة أخرى، هي عدسة ذاتية بحتة، تحمل ألواني الخاصة، وتجربتي المتواضعة.. فأتيت بالمعروف، المشهور، ثم أعدت إنتاجه وصياغته بضرب مثال، أو مزيد توضيح، أو إضافة ظلال..
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  • الراهب الذي باع سيارته الفيراري


    قصة “الراهب الذي باع سيارته الفيراري” هي قصة جوليان مانتل المحامي اللامع الذي أدى أسلوب معيشته المفتقر للتوازن إلي إصابته بأزمة قلبية كادت تودي بحياته في إحدى قاعات المحاكم المزدحمة بالجمهور. ويفضي انهياره الجسدي إلي أزمة روحانية تجبره على مواجهة حالته.

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  • Ikigai : Giving every day meaning and joy


    Ikigai is a traditional Japanese concept that embodies happiness in living. It is, essentially, the reason that you get up in the morning. This book is about finding your ikigai – identifying your purpose or passion and using this knowledge to achieve greater happiness in your life. Your ikigai doesn’t have to be some grand ambition or highly noble life’s purpose – it can be something simple and humble, like tending your garden or walking your dog.

    Having grown up in Japan, Yukari Mitsuhashi understands first hand what ikigai means to Japanese people. Now living in Los Angeles, she has written this book to introduce the traditional concept to a new audience. This is not a ‘one size fits all’ book. Instead, Ikigai encourages you to look at the details of your life and appreciate the everyday moments as you learn to identify your own personal ikigai. The book includes case studies from a range of people sharing their ikigai, from athletes to writers and business people.

    With its refreshingly simple philosophy and liberating concepts, this beautifully presented book will be a guide you will return to again and again.

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  • The Secret CD-Audio


    Once known only by an elite who were unwilling to share their knowledge of the power, ‘the secret’ of obtaining anything you desire is now revealed by prominent physicists, authors and philosophers as being based in the universal Law of Attraction. And the good news is that anyone can access its power to bring themselves health, wealth and happiness.

    Fragments of The Secret have been found in oral traditions, literature, religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. A number of the exceptional people who discovered its power went on to become regarded as the greatest human beings who ever lived. Among them: Plato, Leonardo, Galileo and Einstein. Now ‘the secret’ is being shared with the world. Beautiful in its simplicity, and mind-dazzling in its ability to really work, The Secret reveals the mystery of the hidden potential within us all. By unifying leading-edge scientific thought with ancient wisdom and spirituality, the riveting, practical knowledge will lead readers to a greater understanding of how they can be the masters of their own lives.

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  • Homo Deus, Une brève histoire de l’avenir


    « Yuval Noah Harari nous projette dans le futur avec Homo Deus. Vertige assuré. » L’Obs

    Que deviendront nos démocraties quand Google et Facebook connaîtront nos goûts et nos préférences politiques mieux que nous-mêmes ? Qu’adviendra-t-il de l’Etat providence lorsque nous, les humains, serons évincés du marché de l’emploi par des ordinateurs plus performants ? Quelle utilisation certaines religions feront-elles de la manipulation génétique ?

    Homo Deus nous dévoile ce que sera le monde d’aujourd’hui lorsque, à nos mythes collectifs tels que les dieux, l’argent, l’égalité et la liberté, s’allieront de nouvelles technologies démiurgiques. Et que les algorithmes, de plus en plus intelligents, pourront se passer de notre pouvoir de décision. Car, tandis que l’Homo Sapiens devient un Homo Deus, nous nous forgeons un nouveau destin.

    Best-seller international – plus de 200 000 exemplaires vendus en France, traduit dans près de 40 langues – Sapiens interrogeait l’histoire de l’humanité, de l’âge de la pierre à l’ère de la Silicon Valley. Homo deus offre un aperçu vertigineux des rêves et des cauchemars qui façonneront le XXIe siècle.

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  • مفتاح القوة – كيف يساعد علم التربية الجديد القائم على نقاط القوة الطفل والمراهق على التفوق


    أحيانًا نعثر على رسالتنا، وفي أحيان أخرى تعثر رسالتنا علينا. لم أكن أتوقع بالتأكيد أن تأتيني رسالتي في إحدى الحفلات. كان هذا في عام 2011 في فيلادلفيا عندما كنت في المؤتمر الدولي لعلم النفس الإيجابي أتناول كوبًا من العصير وأتحدث مع مجموعة من زملائي علماء علم النفس الإيجابي من جنوب إفريقيا وكوريا الجن

    وبية و(في حالتي) أستراليا في المنزل الكريم لمارتن سليجمان الحاصل على دكتوراه في الفلسفة وزوجته ماندي.

    يشتهر مارتن سليجمان بأنه خبير ريادي في علم النفس الإيجابي – فرع من علم النفس يدرس بطريقة علمية عن كيف تساعدنا العواطف الإيجابية والقوى والفضائل على تحقيق النجاح. ولقد حقق علم النفس الإيجابي منذ نشأته في عام 1998 نموًّا سريعًا1 مع إنفاق عشرات الملايين من الدولارات على الأبحاث، وانضمام آلاف الأعضاء من أكثر من سبعين دولة إلى الجمعية الدولية لعلم النفس الإيجابي. يظهر شغف مارتن حيال جعل علم النفس الإيجابي حركة عالمية بوضوح في الوظائف والأنشطة العديدة التي يقوم بها، بما في ذلك عمله كمدير مركز علم النفس الإيجابي في جامعة بنسلفانيا، وكتبه التي حققت أفضل المبيعات مثل كتاب Learned Optimism وكتاب Authentic Happiness وكتاب Flourish. لذلك كان هذا التجمع غير الرسمي في تلك الأمسية التي ضمت خبراء من أنحاء متفرقة من العالم؛ أتوا لكي يتبادلوا الأفكار وتلقيحها. وكان مارتن يبدو لي أكثر انبساطًا وانفتاحًا مع الآخرين.

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  • Transurfing volume 2, le bruissement des étoiles du matin


    Tome 2, Le bruissement des étoile du matin

    Le premier volet de Transurfing, ” L’espace des variantes ” est la matrice énergétique qui pose les fondements du modèle Transurfing, élaboré par le physicien quantique Russe, Vadim Zeland. À partir des conclusions les plus récentes de la physique quantique, la physique de tous les possibles, Transurfing nous explique comment visualiser à quel point nos pensées ” inconscientes ” ont un effet décisif sur notre réalité, et comment choisir librement ce que nous voulons, comme dans un gigantesque supermarché. Ce second volet de Transurfing, ” Le bruissement des étoiles du matin “, nous plonge dans une dimension à la fois plus profonde et plus pragmatique, orientée vers la compréhension des liens entre nos rêves et la réalité. Vadim Zeland nous apprend à identifier et à définir notre but véritable – en accord avec notre individualité et nos aspirations profondes – ainsi que le moyen d’y accéder. À vous d’explorer en quoi Transurfing est une extraordinaire technique de création de votre propre réalité…

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  • Transurfing – volume 3 – en avant dans le passé


    Tome 3, En avant dans le passé

    Chacun d’entre nous se préoccupe de savoir jusqu’où nous pouvons contrôler notre destin et comment le faire. C’est pour cela que la magie, ainsi que les potentiels psychiques cachés chez l’homme, ont toujours suscité et suscitent toujours un intérêt considérable. Aucun doute, cet ouvrage va satisfaire votre curiosité, parce qu’il traite cette question d’un point de vue totalement inattendu. Transurfing vous ouvre une porte magique d’un monde où vous rencontrez des phénomènes étranges et peu ordinaires. Vous allez apprendre que la réalité est contrôlable. Et pour Transurfing, l’objectif n’est pas à atteindre, mais se réalise de lui-même.

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  • Transurfing, modèle quantique de réalisation individuelle : Tome 4, Diriger la réalité


    Tome 4, Diriger la réalité

    Dans la vie quotidienne, les événements passent les uns après les autres, sans nous demander notre accord. Influencer sa réalité, est-ce vraiment possible ? L?un des moyens de le faire est de l?influencer directement selon le principe “donne-moi”. Dans Transurfing 4, Vadim Zeland propose de faire autrement : cachons nos mains derrière le dos, et faisons en sorte que le monde lui-même vienne vers nous pour réaliser nos attentes. S?il fallait donner une spécialisation à chaque volume, Diriger la Réalité est sans doute celui-ci qui nous fait toucher de près l?Observateur, cette position particulière à partir de laquelle tout se crée dans le monde quantique?

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  • The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After (Bridgertons Book 9) : Inspiration for the Netflix Original Series Bridgerton

    New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn presents a collection of ‘second epilogues’ to her bestselling Bridgerton series, now a series created by Shondaland for Netflix, and also includes a bonus novella, ‘Violet in Bloom’, about the Bridgerton matriarch.

    ‘A veritable treat’ Daily Mail

    Once upon a Regency time, an author created a family . . .

    But not just any family. Eight brothers and sisters, assorted in-laws, sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, (not to mention an overweight corgi), plus an irrepressible matriarch who’s a match for any of them . . . These are the Bridgertons. Through eight bestselling novels, readers laughed, cried, and fell in love.But they wanted more.

    And so the readers asked the author . . .

    What happened next? Does Simon ever read his father’s letters? Do Francesca and Michael become parents? Who would win in a Pall Mall grudge match?

    Does ‘The End’ really have to be the end?

    This is a collection of Julia Quinn’s funny, heart-warming ‘second epilogues,’ which are included at the ends of each novel. This collection also includes plus a brand new novella about none other than the wise and witty matriarch: Violet Bridgerton herself. So get to know the Bridgertons all over again – because Happily Ever After is a whole lot of fun . . .

    *contains previously published material*

    Find out why readers love Julia Quinn . . .

    ‘Light, pacy and full of feisty heroines’ Guardian on the Bridgerton series

    ‘Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton books take all of the classic tropes we know and love . . . and gives them a thoroughly modern twist. I can’t focus on anything else’ Stylist

    ‘Quinn is a master of historical romance’ Entertainment Weekly

    ‘A smart, funny touch’ Time Magazine

    ‘Like an episode of Downton Abbey mixed with a great rom-com’ iBooks Best Books of March

    ‘Powered by a surfeit of dazzling wit and graced with a cast of unforgettable characters’ Booklist

    ‘A romance readers will not want to put down . . . Hooray Julia!’ Romance Reviews Today

    ‘Quinn writes delightfully fast-paced, funny, sparkling and bright romance’ Romantic Times

    ‘The next best thing to Georgette Heyer’ Gloss

    ‘Julia Quinn is one of the best historical romance novelists of our time’ Heroes and Heartbreakers

    ‘Quinn excels in writing stories full of joy and delight, where laughter trembles on the edges’ Happy Ever After

    ‘Full of wit, charm and smouldering attraction . . . an unputdownable story that I think romance fans will treasure’ Harlequin Junkie

    ‘Quinn is incomparable! The latest addition to her beloved Bridgerton series is funny, charming, witty and wildly romantic’ RT Book Reviews

    140.00 DH
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  • Bridgerton: On The Way To The Wedding (Bridgertons Book 8) : Inspiration for the Netflix Original Series Bridgerton

    The eighth novel in Julia Quinn’s globally beloved and bestselling Bridgerton Family series, set in Regency times and now a series created by Shondaland for Netflix. Finally, this is Gregory’s story . . .
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