• Winsor & Newton Bleedproof Marker Pad 75gsm A3


    The Winsor & Newton Marker pad is a bleed-proof, smooth paper specially treated for superior performance to ensure rich colours and precise lines.

    • Coated in one side, it is designed to prevent ink bleed and avoid paper soak through
    • Colours can be easily and smoothly blended using a blender marker, for unlimited tonal variations
    • As it is thin and semi-transparent, this paper can also be used as layout paper
    • This paper is chlorine and acid-free to avoid yellowing and it is made using FSC certified pulp to protect forests
    • It is an optimal surface for all types of alcohol-based markers
    • Weight 75gsm
    • Total Sheets: 50
    • Paper Texture: Smooth
    • Available in sizes: A4 (21 x 29.7cm / 8.3 x 11.7 inches) A3 (29.7 x 42cm / 11.7 x 16.5 inches)
    170.00 DH
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  • في الحلال


    عشرون عامًا من حياته قضاهم في اللا شيء ، حياة عادية ، روتينية ، وبلا أهداف واضحة.. ولكن ما حدث في تلك الليلة كان كالصفعة العنيفة علي وجهه ، تلك الصفعة التي أفاقته وفتّحت عينيه علي عالم آخر لم يكن منتبهًا له.. سار في درب مختلف ، وفي منتصف الطريق أبصرها تمشي بتؤدة ، فاقترب منها ومشي إلي جوارها ، وحينها تعاهدا أن يكملا حياتهما معًا.. في الحلال

    95.00 DH
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  • لا نأسف على الإزعاج


    “ربما مواجهتك الأهم الآن هى مع نفسك.. مع مفاهيمك.. مع استعداداتك..مع حقيقة أنك لا يمكن أن تطلب النصر أو حتى تتوقعه ما لم تراجع مفاهيمك عن كيفية الوصول له.. عن أن الله لن يمدك بالعون ما لم تعن أنت نفسك بنفسك أولاً..عليك أن تفعل الممكن إلى أقصى حد ممكن قبل أن تمد يدك بالدعاء..ربما بعدها..تكون مواجهتك اللاحقة مختلفة النتائج….

    175.00 DH
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  • The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse


    A book for all ages, a book for all time.
    Adapted into a short animated film, coming this Christmas.

    Enter the world of Charlie’s four unlikely friends, discover their story and their most important life lessons.

    The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse have been shared millions of times online. They’ve also been recreated by children in schools and hung on hospital walls. They sometimes even appear on lamp posts and on cafe and bookshop windows. Here, you will find them together in this book of Charlie’s most-loved drawings, adventuring into the Wild and exploring the thoughts and feelings that unite us all.

    ‘A wonderful work of art and a wonderful window into the human heart’ Richard Curtis

    199.00 DH
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  • Power Play : Elon Musk, Tesla, and the Bet of the Century


    Inside the outrageous, come-from-behind story of Elon Musk and Tesla’s bid to build the world’s greatest car and the race to drive the future.

    Elon Musk is among the most controversial titans of Silicon Valley. To some he’s a genius and a visionary and to others he’s a mercurial huckster. Billions of dollars have been gained and lost on his tweets and his personal exploits are the stuff of tabloids. But for all his outrageous talk of mind-uploading and space travel, his most audacious vision is the one closest to the ground: the electric car.

    When Tesla was founded in the 2000s, electric cars were novelties, trotted out and thrown on the scrap heap by carmakers for more than a century. But where most onlookers saw only failure, a small band of Silicon Valley engineers and entrepreneurs saw potential and they pitted themselves against the biggest, fiercest business rivals in the world, setting out to make a car that was quicker, sexier, smoother, cleaner than the competition.

    Tesla would undergo a truly hellish fifteen years, beset by rivals, pressured by investors, hobbled by whistleblowers, buoyed by its loyal supporters. Musk himself would often prove Tesla’s worst enemy–his antics repeatedly taking the company he had funded himself to the brink of collapse. Was he an underdog, an antihero, a conman, or some combination of the three?

    Wall Street Journal tech and auto reporter Tim Higgins had a front-row seat for the drama: the pileups, wrestling for control, meltdowns, and the unlikeliest outcome of all, success. A story of power, recklessness, struggle, and triumph, Power Play is an exhilarating look at how a team of eccentrics and innovators beat the odds… and changed the future.

    199.00 DH
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  • Reasons to Stay Alive


    Order THE COMFORT BOOK. Available now!



    Aged 24, Matt Haig’s world caved in. He could see no way to go on living. This is the true story of how he came through crisis, triumphed over an illness that almost destroyed him and learned to live again.

    A moving, funny and joyous exploration of how to live better, love better and feel more alive, Reasons to Stay Alive is more than a memoir. It is a book about making the most of your time on earth.

    “I wrote this book because the oldest cliches remain the truest. Time heals. The bottom of the valley never provides the clearest view. The tunnel does have light at the end of it, even if we haven’t been able to see it . . . Words, just sometimes, really can set you free.”

    135.00 DH
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  • Joe Biden : American Dreamer


    The new biography of President Joe Biden by National Book Award winner and New Yorker staff writer Evan Osnos – A Financial Times, Guardian and Daily Express Book of the Year

    ‘A thoroughly readable primer’ Guardian

    ‘Biden has overcome unimaginable tribulation, multiple presidential primary humiliations, a potentially crippling speech impediment and his own mediocrity. Now he carries the hopes of billions upon his shoulders’ Sunday Times

    President Joseph R. Biden Jr. has been called both the luckiest man and the unluckiest – fortunate to have sustained a fifty-year political career that reached the White House, but also marked by deep personal losses that he has suffered.

    Yet even as Biden’s life has been shaped by drama, it has also been powered by a willingness, rare at the top ranks of politics, to confront his shortcomings, errors and reversals of fortune. His trials have forged in him a deep empathy for others in hardship – an essential quality as he addresses a nation at its most dire hour in decades.

    Blending up-close journalism and broader context, Evan Osnos illuminates Biden’s life and captures the characters and meaning of an extraordinary presidential election. He draws on lengthy interviews with Biden and on revealing conversations with more than a hundred others, including President Barack Obama, Cory Booker, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and a range of progressive activists, advisers, opponents, and Biden family members.

    In this nuanced portrait, Biden emerges as flawed, yet resolute, and tempered by the flame of tragedy – a man who just may be uncannily suited for his moment in history.

    300.00 DH
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  • D – A Tale of Two Worlds


    ‘Glorious. A story that will be found and enjoyed and dreamed about for years to come. I loved it’ NEIL GAIMAN


    12-year-old Dhikilo was born in a faraway country, though she’s doing her best to feel at home with her new parents in the crumbly seaside town of Cawber-on-Sands.
    Until one day, the letter D disappears from the language, and Dhikilo is the only person who notices it’s gone. You’d think the loss of one little letter wouldn’t make much of a ifference to aily life. But it actually makes things very ifficult and, eventually, quite esperate.

    Determined to rescue the D, Dhikilo teams up with her old history teacher, Professor Dodderfield. In moments, she is in the wintery land of Liminus where she meets the Magwitches, the Quilps, the Spottletoes, and other strange tribes. Can she escape from the terrifying Bleak House? Can she stop the D from disappearing for ever? And can Dhikilo – a girl with no past and no country – discover who she is and where she really belongs?

    169.00 DH
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  • Beyond Order : 12 More Rules for Life


    A #1 New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller

    The long-awaited sequel to 12 RULES FOR LIFE, which has sold over 5 million copies around the world

    In 12 Rules for Life, acclaimed public thinker and clinical psychologist Jordan B. Peterson offered an antidote to the chaos in our lives: eternal truths applied to modern anxieties. His insights have helped millions of readers and resonated powerfully around the world.

    Now in this much-anticipated sequel, Peterson goes further, showing that part of life’s meaning comes from reaching out into the domain beyond what we know, and adapting to an ever-transforming world. While an excess of chaos threatens us with uncertainty, an excess of order leads to a lack of curiosity and creative vitality. Beyond Order therefore calls on us to balance the two fundamental principles of reality – order and chaos – and reveals the profound meaning that can be found on the path that divides them.

    In times of instability and suffering, Peterson reminds us that there are sources of strength on which we can all draw: insights borrowed from psychology, philosophy, and humanity’s greatest myths and stories. Drawing on the hard-won truths of ancient wisdom, as well as deeply personal lessons from his own life and clinical practice, Peterson offers twelve new principles to guide readers towards a more courageous, truthful and meaningful life.

    380.00 DH
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  • Midnight Sun


    It’s here! Number one bestselling author Stephenie Meyer makes a triumphant return to the world of Twilight with this highly-anticipated companion; the iconic love story of Bella and Edward told from the vampire’s point of view.

    When Edward Cullen and Bella Swan met in Twilight, an iconic love story was born. But until now, fans have heard only Bella’s side of the story. At last, readers can experience Edward’s version in the long-awaited companion novel, Midnight Sun.

    This unforgettable tale as told through Edward’s eyes takes on a new and decidedly dark twist. Meeting Bella is both the most unnerving and intriguing event he has experienced in all his years as a vampire. As we learn more fascinating details about Edward’s past and the complexity of his inner thoughts, we understand why this is the defining struggle of his life. How can he justify following his heart if it means leading Bella into danger?

    In Midnight Sun, Stephenie Meyer transports us back to a world that has captivated millions of readers and brings us an epic novel about the profound pleasures and devastating consequences of immortal love.

    199.00 DH
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  • Grown Ups



    Hilarious and painfully relatable, Grown Ups is the perfect escape into someone else’s wonderfully messy family . . .

    ‘Magnificently messy lives, brilliantly untangled. Funny, tender and completely absorbing!’ GRAHAM NORTON

    ‘SUCH a treat. Like reading the cleverest cream cake of words’ CAITLIN MORAN


    Married to brothers Johnny, Ed and Liam Casey.

    Three very different women tied to three very different men.

    Every family occasion is a party – until the day the secrets spill out.



    This book has been printed with four different colour designs: blue, green, pink and orange. Covers are assigned to orders at random so we are unable to accept specific requests.

    ‘Comic, convincing and true. Grown Ups has an almost Austenesque insight into character. Keyes knows how to make serious issues relatable – and get a few grownup laughs, too’ GUARDIAN

    ‘Hilarious, alternately heartwarming and heartbreaking. I loved everything about it’ DAILY MAIL

    ‘You may have written the best book of your career’ CHRIS EVANS, VIRGIN RADIO

    ‘Superb. Warm-hearted, wise and highly entertaining’ OBSERVER

    ‘Keyes at her best: capturing everyday voices with humour and empathy with writing that you’ll devour in a weekend. Just pure and simple joy’ STYLIST

    ‘I loved every word. I will be missing those gorgeous vibrant characters for many weeks to come’ LIANE MORIARTY, bestselling author of Big Little Lies

    ‘Messy, tangled complex humans who reminded me that few of us ever really sort our lives out at all’ JOJO MOYES, bestselling author of Me Before You

    ‘Her best yet. Charming, funny and poignant, but also profound, heartbreaking’ NINA STIBBE, bestselling author of Reasons to be Cheerful

    140.00 DH
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  • أفكار يومية


    لنتمكّن من المشي بثبات على طرقات الحياة، نحن بحاجة إلى نقلالطعام، لنقل رمزيًّا خبزًا، كالذي يضع المؤن في حقيبة على ظهره لدى ذهابه في نزهة طويلة ليجدّد قواه خلال الطريق. يمثّل هذا الخبز مبادئ العلم الروحي. لن يكون وجودنا الحالي نهاية للسفر الذي قد باشرنا به منذ فترة طويلة جدًّا لأنّ هذا الوجود ليس سوى مرحلة من الطريق التي يجب أن يسلكها الأشخاص منذ خروجهم من الحضن الأبدي. كم من مناطق مختلفة يجب أن نمرّ بها حتى نعود، يومًا ما، إلى وطننا الحقيقي! فنحن لسنا سوى مسافرين في الأرض، ويجب أن لا ننسى هذا أبدًا، ولا يزال أمامنا مسافات طويلة يجب أن نمشيها. فلذلك يجب أن نفكّر بملء حقيبتنا يوميًّا بهذا الخبز السماوي الذي يمثّل حقائق النفس والروح، لكي نتمكّن من متابعة الدرس والعمل والمحبّة 

    100.00 DH
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  • Pack de peinture gouaches ultra lavable x6 MAPED



    Pack de 6 bouteilles de gouache MAPED Color Peps, comporte 6 petits bidons de 75 ml de gouache prête à l’emploi. Les 6 petits flacons en forme de supers Héros masqués, contiennent les couleurs primaires nécessaires à toute réalisation artistique (1 bleu, 1 rouge, 1 jaune, 1 rose, 1 blanc et 1 noir) et pourront être utilisés aussi bien à la maison qu’à l’école en cours d’art plastique. Dotée d’un fort pouvoir couvrant, cette gouache est aussi ultra lavable et sa composition a été étudiée de manière à disparaître au lavage en cas de tache sur des textiles en coton. Pratique, ces bouteilles disposent de bouchons à clapet, pour ne plus risquer de les perdre et s’ouvrent en outre très facilement, pour une utilisation tout en simplicité.

    120.00 DH
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